TIPES antenna

Designed for special races!
More than 150.000 traps in use!


The new TIPES High Speed Trap are the next generation of TIPES Traps. Designed for special races like One-Loft-Races. The speed are 20 % higher than normal TIPES traps and 10 times faster like other ETS systems.
At TIPES traps it is possible to put more traps close together.

Make no experiment, fly with the leader TIPES.

Install today,
which tomorrow success
and day after tomorrow
future has!

8-field trap

Dimensions: L 568 x W 372 x H 41 mm


4-field trap

Dimensions: L 568 x W 263 x H 277 mm (with house)
Dimensions: L 568 x W 263 x H 41 mm (without house)

2-field trap

Dimensions: L 305 x W 263 x H 277 mm (with house)
Dimensions: L 305 x W 263 x H 41 mm (without house)

1-field trap

Dimensions: L 163 x W 263 x H 41 mm (without house)






MC2100 S
TIPES Remote Knock Off
TIPES One-Loft-Race